Friday, June 26, 2009

Sad News

A few weeks ago i took Kiotty to the vet for what i thought was a tooth infection. after the first vet visit we thought it was kidney disease which was a huge shock but it would be treatable. After the blood work came back it was all normal, in fact the vet said he looked better than her 9 year old cat. so we treated the sores in his mouth with antibiotics and that seemed to help but soon he wasnt eating so i took him to another vet who told me it was most likely cancer. We had a biopsy done and it was cancer and further spread than first thought. Kiotty passed yesterday in my arms. it was the hardest thing i have probably ever had to do. I loved him so much. I've had him almost half my life so being home with out him doesn't feel right. He was a great cat. We will miss him.