Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Time

It's been super busy at work. so far this summer i have been able to play with elk, geese and deer. Ryan has also been busy. He was transfered from the adult field to the juvenile field. We are just glad we have jobs and that we are doing what we like to do. :) We also have 2 new additions to the family! Welcome Jevani and Mattheson! Hope we get to see you both soon.

This is me with an elk calf. Stinkin cute and all legs!

This is during a canada goose capture. We round 'em up using kayaks :)

This is a little deer fawn. She was so sweet. :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Sad News

A few weeks ago i took Kiotty to the vet for what i thought was a tooth infection. after the first vet visit we thought it was kidney disease which was a huge shock but it would be treatable. After the blood work came back it was all normal, in fact the vet said he looked better than her 9 year old cat. so we treated the sores in his mouth with antibiotics and that seemed to help but soon he wasnt eating so i took him to another vet who told me it was most likely cancer. We had a biopsy done and it was cancer and further spread than first thought. Kiotty passed yesterday in my arms. it was the hardest thing i have probably ever had to do. I loved him so much. I've had him almost half my life so being home with out him doesn't feel right. He was a great cat. We will miss him.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This month...
We went to Santa Rosa for Easter. We got to see all the kids and had a great time at Legends new home.

We also went to Utah for my brothers graduation from BYU with a mechanical engineer degree. (Steph, Marj...? :)) It was fun seeing you guys! The boys are getting so big. can't wait to meet Desmond.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Last week my friends and I decided to play hooky and go to the beach! We can't wait for the sun! We took a drive out to Dillons Beach about 2 hours from Sac. We stopped a couple times on the way since we weren't in any hurry. Victoria bought a 1/4 wine barrel to add to her garden. and we had lunch in Petaluma at a fantastic deli. It was a lot of fun and we need to do that more often. The next ditch day is going to be the redwoods i think. On our way back we saw a camel, isnt he cute? :)